Saturday, August 11, 2012


wHO ArE yoU.....

Do you really think you are so very special and unique that you can tell me what I can and can't do??  Who are you?  Just another set of lungs, a heart and Kidneys that pisses on the ground like everyone else?  Who are you to tell me or anyone what they can or cannot do.  How to live and when they are right and wrong. 

aRe YOu mY juDge?

Just because you do not believe in a God, do you think someone else should not.  Because you do believe in a God, do you think everyone else should.  Who are you?  My creator or the main DNA product from evolution.  Who are you?  In your mind, are you the one that DEEMS what is right and wrong?  Should others bow down before you and thank you for your self inflicted delusion of knowing what it right for others? 

dOn'T juDgE sOMEonE juSt BeCAusE tHeY "SIN" diFfeReNTlY tHaN YOU.

Your white, you hate black.  Your black you hate white.  Your gay, you think everyone should except things. Your straight, you think nothing should change. Your female and hate men.  Your a male and hates women.  What has anyone ever done to you personally...probably nothing.  You either think the way you do because you grew up that way, or you are narrow minded as to think life revolves solely around you.  IT DOESN'T.  So get over yourself. 

You want a chicken... eat the dam chicken.  You don't like Chicken, don't eat it.  But to waste your time bitching about who cooked it, who owns it, how the place is decorated, what their beliefs are,,,,well, that's your personal decision.  Not one that you should try to force on someone else to believe.

Leave me alone!!  Unless, you are going to pay my bills, give me a place to live, buy me a new car, feed me the rest of my life.....ect...ect..., i really don't give a dam what you do or think!!  IT'S NOT MY JUDGEMENT NOR IS IT YOUR. 

gEt a LiFe aNd Live iT....

Stay out of mine, your neighbors, people on the street, in the church, or those standing in the middle of a pintagram.  Get a life of your own fulfillment, be happy and live it.  Just because your miserable with things around you, don't jump in the middle of my Liberty and try to change my smile just because my thoughts are different than yours.

bE whO YoU aRe, NoT sOmEoNe YoUr nOt.  But don't JumP on oTheRs baCks tO foRce OtHerS tO youR JuDGeMent Of riGht anD wRong....

It's not your place 2, you squat down in the woods to take care of your business like everyone think you don't, well there's two words for Ya ....

Liberty is freedom from OPPRESSION....  your OPPRESSION, judgement, or belief of what is right and wrong,,,  THAT'S JUST STRANGE FREEDOM.