Wednesday, May 1, 2013


The truth in a godless society is always per·se·cuted. It's the law of nature.

Seek not greatness, but seek truth and you will find Both. – Horace Mann.  I believe this is why we became the greatest country upon the earth.  I also believe the opposite is why we are failing and have fell from that grace.

 Two objects or subjects cannot occupy the same space. Either the truth is the truth or a lie is accepted. The two cannot occupy the same space. One or the other has to be accepted. One will always out weight the other.

The saying the truth will set you free.  It’s true.  As tough or hard as it may be, the truth is a fact of what ever matter is at hand.  If you can’t accept it, you do not need to be involved.  If you can not live it, you need to re-evaluate your self.  If it does not fit into what you’re doing, you’re doing the wrong thing.  If it gives you personal gain but hurts everyone around you, you should re-think your situation.

Every thing we hear is an opinion, not a fact.  Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. – Marcus Aurelius

To lie is to deliver a false statement to another person which the speaking person knows is not the whole truth, intentionally.

A barefaced lie is one that is obviously a lie to those hearing it.

Once a lie has been told, there can be two alternative consequences:  it may be discovered or remain undiscovered.

Lying is a perversion of the natural faculty of speech, the natural end of which is to communicate the true thoughts of someone speaking.  When one lies, one undermines the trust in a society.

A fabrication is a lie told when someone submits a statement as truth, without knowing for certain whether or not it actually is true.  Although the statement may be possible or plausible, it is not based on fact.  Rather, it is something made up, or it is a misrepresentation of the truth.

One can state part of the truth out of context, knowing that without complete information, it gives a false impression. Utilizing a form of assertion by ridiculing the facts implying the liar believes it to be preposterous.

 A misleading statement is one where there is no outright lie, but still retains the purpose of getting someone to believe in the untruth. 

Dissembling likewise describes the presentation of facts in a way that is literally true, but intentionally misleading.

Bullshit does not necessarily have to be a complete fabrication; with only basic knowledge about a topic, bullshit is often used to make the audience believe that one knows far more about the topic by total certainty or making probable predictions.  It may also merely be filler or nonsense that, by virtue of its style or wording, gives the impression that it actually means something.

When one lies face to face with the intended recipient, this also may be an expression describing the act of lying with a smile or other patronizing tone or body language.

When it boils down to it, lying is the tool which people use to change the truth so as others will be lead astray from such truth into something that is wrong by making it look better.

Once again, when a lie has been told, there can be two alternative consequences:  it may be discovered or remain undiscovered.

I would encourage everyone to seek the truth.  Rely on some power greater than your self or at very least seek the truth and don’t except lies.  If your gut tells you something, you should listen to it or at very least investigate it for your self.  Don’t be the sheep led by wolves.  Be the sheep dog that protects the sheep and fights off the wolves. 

It’s your children’s future at stake.

In a time of universal deceit-telling the truth is a revolutionary act. – George Orwell.


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