When I think of the inauguration, the millions spent on it, attended by those that are wealthy at the expenses of demonizing wealth rather than creating jobs through capitalism. Who knows what the next four years will bring. It should still be about the economy as it was 4 years ago, which nothing, zero has been done about. If the last four years are any indication, it will not be a budget, the economy, jobs, or how our seniors are being cheated by the social security promise. The debt ceiling has been raised 4 times, redistribution of income, more welfare,food stamps, unemployment and social security paid out to people other than retired seniors, more spending (debt), taxes going up on our income and things we buy while no new jobs are created, price of our food being inflated, obamacare causing employers to cut workers hours, private insurance prices going up in response, unions getting violent, an Adm that says my way or no way talking from the center but leading from the left, proof that our bailout dollars mainly went over seas, our rights (all of them) coming under fire, new laws that focus on Americans being terrorist & police training to deal with it, gov flying drones over American sky's, criminal actions of a few that we the masses have to pay for... Crazy talk about if the debt ceiling is not raised we can't pay our bills. People, when you have to borrow more money to pay bills, that within it's self is proof that spending needs to be cut so we can pay our bills with out having to borrow it & put it on the credit card. But instead they take more from our pay checks and just simply spend more. P.s, gitmo still open, most swiping economy package that was passed...nothing really done except sending most 2/3 of gm jobs to china. (look it up your self) tarp and aig... economic crisis to economic crisis, but the problems were not fixed and are still looming as a problem. We doubled down in Afghanistan, with the promise to get out first year.
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